Leave & Attendance

Time track your workforce with fine controls for shifts, rosters, holidays, week offs, punch capture, leave, absence, overtime.


  • Timings for start, first half, second half, end
  • Multi day shifts
  • Flexible Shift timings
  • Break time
  • Week offs
  • Workdays count for Shift
  • Split Shift
  • Midnight punch cutoff
  • Shift Patterns for Auto Rotation


  • Default Shift
  • Shift Assigned to employee
  • Shift Pattern assigned to employee with start date
  • Roster Shifts upload via excel template
  • Manual Assignment by HR, Manager and more


  • Plug and play biometrics integration
  • Mobile app for employees with geo coordinates, geocoding, face capture, face recognition
  • Work punch for field employees to mark field visits
  • Manager group punch for group attendance capture for field workforce with no mobile
  • Extra data capture like meals requirement, medical condition at punch
  • Regularization with approvals


To be able to balance production line workforce at begining of shift based on absent employees. For best result attendance should be captured in advance, for example while in company transport or policy to punch in advance.

  • View absent employees from production lines
  • Assign replacement with same skills from another line or jumper pool
  • Line transfer is valid for one day only
  • Permanent transfer can be done from employment page
  • History of line transfers is maintained


  • Holiday Calendars
  • Restricted Holiday


  • Extra Day
  • Festival Overtime
  • Fixed Overtime
  • Holiday
  • Late
  • National Holiday
  • Poya Overtime (Sri Lanka)
  • Weekoff
  • Workday Leave OT
  • Workday Post
  • Workday Pre


  • Present, Late, Early calculation as per policy using cutoffs for Full Day, Half Day, Absent
  • Overtime applicability, calculation and approvals as per policy
  • Overtime setoff against Compoff, Late coming or Early Going
  • Overtime and Undertime accumulation with carry forward


  • Leave Periods
  • Leave Types and Entitlements
  • Expiring Entitlements
  • Manual Entitlements
  • Utilization against another leave entitlement policy
  • Carry forward policy
  • Comp off policy
  • Short leaves, On Duty
  • Leave Entitlement Automation
  • Leave Approval Workflow
  • Cover Person Policy


  • Absconding employees
  • Late comers
  • Missing Attendance
  • Extra Attendance
  • EMail Alerts / Dashboard Notifications to Employee, HR, Reporting Manager, HOD and more
  • Scheduled Reports by Email


  • Rule based Attendance and Roster Groups
  • Permissions based on groups, locations and more
  • Attendance Management
  • Leave Management
  • Overtime Management
  • Roster Management


  • Adding Compensatory Off Report
  • Attendance Report By Presence
  • Attendance Report by Time
  • Attendance Summary Report
  • Daily Attendance Punch Noncompliance Report
  • Employee Monthly Attendance Confirmation by signature
  • Holiday Report
  • Leave Adjustment Report
  • Leave Detail Report
  • Leave Summary Report
  • Missing or Extra Attendance Report
  • Overtime Detailed Report
  • Punch Report
  • Punch with Unmatched Photo Report
  • Regularization Report
  • Roster
  • Unapproved Leave Report
  • Weekly Attendance


  • Attendance Period for payroll month
  • Auto Leave apply for payroll generation for missing attendance days as per policy
  • Overtimes
  • Lates and Early
  • Attendance Incentives
  • Payable Days
  • Days types
    • Leave without Pay Prorate Days
    • Days Worked
    • Full Days Worked
    • Leave Without Pay Days from Late
    • Days Worked by Leave
    • Days Worked by Half Leave
    • Days Worked by Double Leave
    • Leave Encashment Days
    • First Half Worked
    • Weekoffs Worked
    • Employment Days
    • Half Day Shift Count
    • Leave Without Pay Days
    • Holidays Worked
    • Lieu Leave Expired Days

My Attendance

My Leave

Shift Master

Shift Pattern

Leave Master

Line Balancing Structure